Saturday, November 1, 2008

Looking for a cool flash drive

With all the writing and Power Point I've been up to for grad school these days I decided to buy a flash drive. I was looking for something with a little more design but with 2 gigs running around $20-$30 I didn't want to end up paying a ton of extra money for the little plastic toy wrapped around my drive.

1GB Strawberry Donut USB Flash Drive $24.99
1GB House USB Drive $24.99
Tribeca FV00166 1GB Frog USB Drive $13.851GB Tuna Sushi USB Drive $79.99

Mimobot is the master of cool flash drives! These guys from the Friends with You Artist series will run you around $35 for 1 gig.

What I ended up with was this strange little "Panda" from Target (this means no shipping and I could have him NOW NOW NOW.) His head pops off to reveal the drive. 1 gig and he set me back $19.99. He makes a good keychain.

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