Saturday, November 8, 2008

Canning Dilly Beans

I have been wanting to try pickling. One of our favorite pubs always serves a side of pickled carrots with their dishes and I love them. The recipes from mennonite girls can cook (which is for a mix of carrots and dilly beans) sold me on the idea of doing it myself. You can read the super easy instructions here.
The images from mennonite girls can cook.
How Beautiful do these jar look?

I love these peaches as well. Lush.


Grandmama said...

Wow! I can't wait to taste dilly beans and carrots. The problem is that they look too pretty to eat. Thanksgiving here I come!

Grandmama said...

Wow! I can't wait to taste those dilly beans and carrots. The only problem is that they look too beautiful to eat. Yum! Thanksgiving dinner here I come!